Sunday, June 19, 2011

Homemade Chocolate Cupcakes for Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cupcakes for Cancer

My dear friend's mother is sick with brain cancer. The doctors said that she probably won't make it through next week so I decided to make cupcakes for the family. As I was browsing blogs yesterday, I came across rainbow cupcakes at The Sweetest Kitchen. However, these aren't cupcakes with layers of different colors. These are chocolate cupcakes with rainbows on them.

Making the cupcakes took 3 hours but it was definitely worth it. In all, I made 24 cupcakes and I am giving 12 to my friend's family. They are simple, chocolate cupcakes with blue icing, white icing for clouds, and Airheads Extremes for the rainbows. I definitely reccommend checking out the directions for making them at The Sweetest Kitchen.

Hope you enjoyed!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Hello! Welcome to Sweet Indulgence!

Hello, my name is Ashley. I've always loved desserts and baking since I was little girl. I didn't really get into baking treats until I was older though. I've decided that I would make a blog for my adventures in baking. I will post pictures of my finished products and might even include recipes once or twice. You will mostly see cupcakes on here. As a matter of fact, I'm baking cupcakes for Father's Day and a friend right now! ~_^

Anyways, I also have another blog for random short posts I do usually every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On here, I will most likely post on the weekends. Enjoy my blog!
